About us
The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham was established in 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI to allow Anglicans to enter into the full communion of the Catholic Church whilst retaining much of their heritage and traditions. It now has the full support and blessing of Pope Francis. The Ordinariate exists to promote the unity of all Christians with the Apostolic See and faithfully to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the rich treasures of its traditions.
We are a separate charity from the Ordinariate, with our own trustees who are:
Nicolas Ollivant (Chairman)
Peter Sefton-Williams
Mgr John Broadhurst
Mgr Andrew Burnham
Michael Hodges
Fr Nicholas Leviseur
Richard Cleary
We work closely with the Ordinary, Mgr Keith Newton, who is our president, to identify areas where the Friends can be of assistance.
We gratefully receives donations from individuals and organisations who share in the Holy See’s vision of Christian Unity, which has been made manifest in the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
Since our founding in 2011 we have been pleased to give grants to a great many projects. During the last three years FOTO has financed:
Building works at St Anselm’s Church, Pembury, Kent
A non-resident post-graduate degree of an Ordinariate priest
Grants to Ordinariate seminarians
60% of the cost of a new Viscount organ for the Ordinariate church in Birmingham
Part of the cost of a presbytery for an Ordinariate priest
The purchase of 30 copies of the Ordinariate Daily Office
The Newman Society (Oxford University) to cover the cost of renting space for a lecture by HE the late Cardinal Pell
New streaming equipment for the Ordinariate church in Torquay, Devon
Two years of stipend for a newly ordained Ordinariate priest
Grants are approved by the Trustees after consultation with the Ordinary. Anyone seeking a grant from the Friends of the Ordinariate should, as a first step, write to the Ordinary explaining the nature of the request and the reasons for it. Grants can only be made for projects or people directly connected with the Ordinariate or where there is a demonstrable benefit to the Ordinariate.
A number of distinguished individuals serve as our Honorary Vice-Presidents:
The Rt Rev’d Abbot Hugh Allan O. Praem
Rt Rev’d Dom David Charlesworth, OSB
The Very Rev’d Fr Ignatius Harrison Cong Orat, Provost of the Birmingham Oratory
The Duke of Norfolk GCVO
The Duchess of Somerset
The Countess of Oxford and Asquith
Lord Nicholas Windsor
Lord Deben
Lord Moore of Etchingham
Lord Gill
The Rt Hon Sir Edward Leigh PC MP
Sir Adrian FitzGerald, Bt
Sir Josslyn Gore-Booth, Bt
The Squire de Lisle
The Hon Veronica Hodges
The former Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain, His Excellency Archbishop Antonio Mennini, asked benefactors to be as generous as possible in their support of the Ordinariate.
In an address to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, given at Oscott in May 2011, Archbishop Mennini said:
‘[The Pope] reminded me that he had asked you to be “generous in implementing the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus”. In his name, I wish to thank all of you for the way you have meticulously carried out that mandate. At the same time, I wish to congratulate and encourage Monsignor Keith Newton who was appointed first Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.’