The Friends of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham was established in 2011 to assist with the work of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in England and Wales through both practical and financial support. The secondary purpose of the Friends is to raise awareness of the Ordinariate’s life and mission within the wider Catholic community.
A message from the President
"Since The Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham was established in 2011 we have been overwhelmed by the generosity and goodwill of Catholics and the enthusiasm among some Anglicans to become part of this great ecumenical vision offered by Pope Benedict XVI. Now we need your help to ensure that it flourishes. We need funds to support our clergy and their families, train our priests, acquire church buildings and to help us play a full part in the New Evangelisation. The Friends of the Ordinariate was set up to help the Ordinariate with practical and financial support. I welcome you to its website and invite you to find out more. We count on your support".
Mgr Keith Newton,
Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walshingham
President of the Friends of the Ordinariate
A message from the Chairman
The Friends of the Ordinariate (FOTO) raises funds for two principal purposes: to provide financial support to the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and to publicise the work of the Ordinariate in the wider Catholic world and beyond, particularly in the Anglican world. The Friends of the Ordinariate also organise events to publicise the work of the Ordinariate and to raise money. These include lectures, garden parties, Epiphany carol services and services of Solemn Evensong and Benediction (the next such occasion will be at 7pm on Thursday 27th April at the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption & St Gregory, Warwick Street, London W1 in celebration of the upcoming coronation of HM The King).
Almost all the Friends of the Ordinariate are non-Ordinariate Catholics (and some Anglicans) who want to help the Ordinariate to prosper in accordance with the wishes of the late Pope Benedict XVI. We are very grateful to them for their support which has been maintained over the last 12 years.
The most important source of revenue for the Friends of the Ordinariate is standing orders. However, these do not remain in place indefinitely. Sadly, some of our supporters have gone to their eternal rest. Others have found different uses for their donations. One-off donations are much appreciated but they do not allow us to plan ahead in the way that standing orders do. Lastly, we are very grateful for legacies in the wills of our supporters. Msgr Keith Newton celebrates a Requiem Mass in November each year for deceased Friends of the Ordinariate.
Nicolas Ollivant
Chairman of the Friends of the
Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham